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BKSP will recruit 15 Job Circular

Bangladesh Sports Education Institute (BKSP) has published the appointment notice of the manpower. The organization will appoint manpower for a total of 15 posts.
The 15 posts include Director (Sports Science), Doctor (Sports Medicine), Senior Research Officer (Sports Medicine), Coach Swimming (Women, BKSP), Coach-Cricket (Male, BKSP), Coach-Football (Male, Regional Training center), coach-football (male, regional training center, Dinajpur), lecturer (mathematics, BKSP), compounder, driver (heavy), cook, groundman and assistant carpenter Coach-Cricket (male, regional training center) and security guard.
One of the first 13 posts will be assigned to these posts. And in the last two there will be two recruitments.
Under the terms, according to each educational eligibility, other issues are to be requested.
The application process
The application must be filled in hand. Application form can be found ( It can be sent to the post by completing the application form. Also, it can be submitted in the box set during the office.
Address of the application: Director, Bangladesh Sports Education Institute (BKSP), Zirani, Ashulia, Savar, Dhaka.
The application deadline
The application will be submitted by September 7.
For more information, see: (

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